미국 호스트에게 지급되는 친환경 에너지 보조금

친환경 에너지로 전환하면 비용을 절감하고, 탄소 배출을 줄이며, 게스트의 관심을 끌 수 있습니다.
작성자: Airbnb 작성일: 2023년 5월 11일
2분 분량의 글
최종 업데이트: 2023년 5월 11일

Hosts in the U.S. can now qualify for federal incentives to make energy-efficient home improvements. The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 provides rebates, tax credits, and low-cost financing for households switching to clean electricity.

Replacing your property’s older systems and appliances with new, more efficient ones can help you save money on energy costs and might lower your carbon emissions.

Saving money

You don’t have to update everything all at once. Many of these federal incentives are available through 2032, and some states and local utility companies offer additional programs. The Energy Star program (a public-private partnership administered by the Environmental Protection Agency) has compiled available rebates based on where you live.

Whether you rent or own your space, you may be eligible for federal incentives, which vary based on your household’s income level. To get a sense of what you might qualify for, try this online calculator.

Lowering carbon emissions

The largest manmade source of carbon emissions comes from burning oil or gas for heat, electricity, and transportation, according to the EPA. Federal incentives can be used for upgrades that reduce your home’s energy waste and consumption, including:

  • Weatherization: Adding insulation, stopping drafts, and improving ventilation
  • Solar panels: Installing rooftop panels and a battery for storing the electricity they generate for use anytime
  • Appliances: Updating common appliances, like a furnace, clothes dryer, or hot water boiler, to energy-efficient electric models

Attracting guests

Highlighting your space’s energy efficiency in your listing description can help attract guests interested in sustainable travel. Consider noting everything you offer, whether it’s all-electric appliances, solar power, or EV charging.

“As more and more people drive electric cars, having an EV charger is going to be a plus,” says Khoi, a Superhost in Oceanside, California, who offers a 240-volt EV charger at his condo and encourages off-peak use. “It’s nice for guests to be able to arrive at night and plug in, without having to look for a place to charge.”

Information contained in this article may have changed since publication.

2023년 5월 11일
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