검색어를 입력하면 추천 검색어가 표시됩니다. 위쪽 및 아래쪽 화살표를 사용하여 추천 검색어를 확인하세요. 입력 키를 사용하여 검색어를 선택하세요. 추천 문구를 선택하면 해당 문구로 검색이 진행됩니다. 추천 검색어가 링크인 경우, 해당 페이지로 이동합니다.
관련 규정


It’s important for you to understand your local laws if you want to be an Airbnb Host. We provide a platform and marketplace, but we don’t provide legal advice. Even so, we want to share some information to help you understand the main laws and other rules that relate to short-term rental accommodation in Queensland (QLD). The information in this article isn’t exhaustive, but it should help you start your research on local laws.

Regulations and requirements

For Hosts in Queensland, the rules relating to short-term rental accommodation are generally determined by local government areas (LGAs). Below is information about the rules for hosting in key LGAs in Queensland:

Noosa Shire


Gold Coast


Sunshine Coast

If your local government area is not listed above, we encourage you to consult the information published on their website. You can also find out the contact details for your local council by using the directory provided by the Queensland Government.

Please note there may be permits, licences, insurances and/or qualifications applicable to your hosting activity. Check your local rules to learn what rules apply to the Host Services you plan to offer. You are responsible for understanding and complying with any laws, rules, regulations and contracts with third parties that apply to your listing or host services.

Information we provide regarding local regulations is for informational purposes only and you should independently confirm your obligations.

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