
Paviljoen Twiske

현지인 13명이 추천하는 곳,
8 De Noorderlaaik
Oostzaan, NH

현지인이 제공하는 팁

August 14, 2014
Cafe/restaurant on the waterfront.
February 2, 2014
National Park 10 minutes walking distance (boat rental, beaches, swimming, fishing, hiking, cycling, diving, visitors farm, restaurants with terraces, etc.). Festival Welcome to the Future 26-7-2014
April 12, 2018
About a 30 minute cycle ride through the Het Twiske park, this is lovely place to sit on a summer's day.
June 27, 2018
The view is great! Just sit down for some drinks, or have lunch or dinner. The food is nice :) Noorderlaaik 8 1511 BX Oostzaan
May 4, 2014
nice restaurant near the water (also great for kids because of the big sandpit)

주변의 독특한 즐길 거리

소규모로 즐기는 암스테르담 운하 보트 투어(간식, 음료 포함)
현지인과 함께 네덜란드 치즈와 음료를 즐기는 운하 크루즈
수상 경력에 빛나는 운하 크루즈(올 인클루시브)

현지인 추천 장소