Fish in a Tie

현지인 25명이 추천하는 곳,
영구 폐업

현지인이 제공하는 팁

June 8, 2018
Mediterranean cuisine with the accent on fish, served in a relaxed bistro with exposed brick walls.
May 30, 2016
Cool little place to Dine
August 7, 2018
Mediterranean cuisine with the accent on fish, served in a relaxed bistro with exposed brick walls
December 7, 2015
5 minutes away and they do a Sunday roast for £8. what value!
March 21, 2015
Fantastic little place! Good food, lovely staff for a very cheap price! But best of all, walk in here and you feel like you've entered an Italian family's dining room!

주변의 독특한 즐길 거리

재치 넘치는 가이드가 이끄는 런던 명소 투어(30곳 이상)
런던 곳곳에서 여행의 추억을 남기는 사진 촬영 세션
런던의 아름다운 궁전과 국회의사당

현지인 추천 장소

105 Falcon Rd
London, England