
Mocca Oslo

현지인 37명이 추천하는 곳,
70 Niels Juels gate
Majorstuen, Oslo

현지인이 제공하는 팁

August 3, 2014
Former world champion in classical barista art owns and runs this space close to the castle park. Amazing coffee
Eirik Hagen
May 19, 2014
Very nice coffee place to have coffee if you walking downtown!
May 21, 2017
Award winning coffee shop just around the corner. Classical music in the morning. Drip coffee, Italian coffee, American coffee. Love their lemon almond cake. Sandwiches to go for the days you don't have time to sit down for lunch. Practically located next to the tram stop. Opens at 7am.
Alba Angelica
April 27, 2016
Simply the best coffee in Oslo. Famous for it`s coffee beans.
Kristine & Paul
August 28, 2015
Very nice coffee place if you are in Frogner!

주변의 독특한 즐길 거리

오슬로 자연으로 떠나는 여행 & 카약 타기
왜스트마르카 국립공원에서 즐기는 하이킹 투어와 피크닉
생생한 역사를 만나는 묘지 탐방

현지인 추천 장소